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Find library science literature

In the Czech Republic, our Library is the central information, documentation, and reference centre specialized in library and information science. It is designed for librarians, information staff and specialists, teachers and students as well as interested laymen.  
Our collection consists of over 30,000 volumes and 200 titles of periodicals in librarianship, library science, bibliography, bibliology and information science. The collection covers nearly completely Czech and Slovak literature of the branch and also an extensive selection of important foreign monographs, anthologies, periodicals, and handbooks. Conference materials and IFLA reports are also available as well as business journey reports. There is also a collection of company documents concerning automatic library systems including demos.

Online sources

We recommend to search the requested documents from  Library of Library Science Literature collections in the following online sources, in case you did not succeed in finding the searched document in any of the given sources  you can check card catalogues mentioned in column on the right side.

Online Library of Library Science Literature catalogue  - base KKL searching
The words typed-in  are searched in various fields of the record, more exact wording of the query can be put directly in the base KKL.

Scanned Documentation subject file searching

Scanned Library Science Library  Catalogue searching

Licensed databases searching (online sources, CD-ROM)

Oct 05, 2012
Card catalogues (access in NL only)
Availability in the Czech Republic
If you do not find ...
To get more specific data about the searched document, you may use the following sources.

Czech books
Czech National Bibliography

foreign books
OCLC FirstSearch - WorldCat
national bibliographies
retrospective bibliographies

Requested books are not in NL ...
You can use Interlibrary loan service, which  serves for obtaining those documents that are not available in the collections of NL.

Library of Library Science Literature
phone: +420 221 663 347, 348

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