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Information on recommended sources


e: SLK - Catalogue of the Slavonic Library
Subjects: slavistic literature
Search according  to: author, title, subject, year, ISBN, ISSN ...
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: books, periodicals
Period: without limit
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: online in  SLK - Catalogue of the Slavonic Library (valid library card is necessary)


: KKL - Database of Library Literature
Subjects: library science literature
Search according  to: author, title, subject, year, ISBN, ISSN
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: books, periodicals, articles
Period: without limit
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: order form in the The Library & Information Science Library


e: ANL - Articles from Czech Newspapers and Periodicals
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject, datum ...
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: articles
Period: since the year 1991
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: full texts of some articles are available via link, some full texts are also available in ANL FULL and Anopress databases, optionally only in printed periodicals (holding information on periodicals in  NKC - Electronic Catalogue of the NL or in General Catalogues II and III)


e: Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject, year, ISBN, ISSN
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: books, periodicals
Period: books - without limit
foreign periodicals - since 1527 up to the present day
Czech periodicals - without limit
other types of documents - without limit
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: via ILL services


e: STT - Early Printed Books and Maps 1501-1800
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject, year ...
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: books, maps
Period: 1501-1800
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Reading Room only


e: Union Catalogue of foreign language periodicals in the libraries and institutions ČSSR
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: title
Accessibility: card catalogue is not accesible
Types of documents: periodicals
Period: 1527-1964
records from this card catalogue are now completely included in the Union catalogue of the Czech Republic
Language of documents: foreign languages


e: Catalogue of Czech and Slovak books no. 1
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title (i.e. books without author)
Accessibility: card catalogue (accessible in the Main Hall only)
Types of documents: books, proceedings
Period: selectively from 16th century -1995
Language of documents: Czech language
How to order: order form in the Main Hall of the NL


e: Catalogue of foreign language publications no. 2
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title  (i.e. books without author)
Accessibility: card catalogue (accessible in the Main Hall only)
Types of documents: books, proceedings
Period: selectively from 16th century -1995
Language of documents: foreign languages
How to order: order form in the Main Hall of the NL


e: Subject catalogue no. 4
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: subject
Accessibility: card catalogue (accessible in the Main Hall only)
Types of documents: books, periodicals, proceedings
Period: 1950-1995
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: order form in the Main Hall of the NL


e: Subject catalogue no. 5
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: subject
Accessibility: card catalogue (accessible in the Main Hall only)
Types of documents: books, periodicals, proceedings
Period: 1829-1949
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: order form in the Main Hall of the NL


e: Catalogue of Czech and Slovak periodicals no. 8
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: title
Accessibility: card catalogue (accessible in the Main Hall only)
Types of documents: periodicals, proceedings, yearbooks
Period: 18th century - 1995
Language of documents: Czech language
How to order: order form in the Main Hall of the NL


e: Catalogue of Czech and Slovak periodicals no. 9
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: title
Accessibility: card catalogue (accessible in the Main Hall only)
Types of documents: periodicals, proceedings, yearbooks
Period: 17th century - 1995
Language of documents: foreign languages
How to order: order form in the Main Hall of the NL


e: Sound documents catalogue
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: title, author (interpret), signatura
Accessibility: card catalogue (accessible in the Main Hall of the NL only)
Types of documents: gramophone records, compact discs, cassettes
Period: approx. 1950 - 1996
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: order form in the Main Hall of the NL


e: General  Catalogue I
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title  (i.e. books without author, periodicals ...)
Accessibility: scanned catalogue (internet)
Types of documents: books, proceedings, periodicals
Period: 1830-1950
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: online in scanned catalogues (valid library card is not necessary)
books printed before 1800 have to be ordered in person beforehand in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Reading Room.


e: General  Catalogue II
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title (i.e. books without author, periodicals ...)
Accessibility: scanned catalogue (internet)
Types of documents: books, proceedings, periodicals
Period: 1951-1995
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: online in scanned catalogues (valid library card is not necessary)


e: General  Catalogue III
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title (i.e. books without author, periodicals ...)
Accessibility: scanned catalogue (internet)
Types of documents: serials and monographic sets published up to 1995
Period: 1951-1995
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: online in scanned catalogues (valid library card is not necessary)


e: General  Catalogue of the Slavonic Library
Subjects: slavistic literature
Search according  to: author, title (i.e. books without author)
Accessibility: scanned catalogue (internet)
Types of documents: books, proceedings, periodicals
Period: 16th - 20th century
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: online in scanned catalogues (valid library card is not necessary)


e: Music Division Catalogue
Subjects: music
Search according  to: author
Accessibility: scanned catalogue (internet)
Types of documents: printed music (music, sheet music)
Period: 1750 - January 1998
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: order form in the Music Department Reading Room


e: 19th Century Bibliography
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title (i.e. books without author)
Accessibility: scanned catalogue (internet)
Types of documents: books, calendars, almanacs, annual reports, yearbooks
Period: 1801-1900
Language of documents: Czech language
How to order: order form in the Main Hall of the NL
19th Century Bibliography also includes locations of mentioned books in other Czech libraries


e: Library Science Library Catalogue
Subjects: library science literature
Search according  to: author, title  (i.e. books without author)
Accessibility: scanned catalogue (internet)
Types of documents: books
Period: 1890-1989
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: order form in the  Library and Information Science Library


e: Documentation subject file
Subjects: library science literature
Search according  to: author, title (i.e. books without author)
Accessibility: scanned catalogue (internet)
Types of documents: journal articles, proceeding papers and methodical materials
Period: 1970-1989
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: order form in the Library and Information Science Library


e: Catalogue of the former Russian Foreign Historical Archive
Subjects: history of Russian social and revolutionary movements, the World War I, the Russian revolution and the Civil War, reports on actvities of Russian political parties, associations and on the life of Russian emigration abroad
Search according  to: author, title  (i.e. books without author)
Accessibility: scanned catalogue (internet)
Types of documents: books
Period: 1875-1945
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: online in scanned catalogues (valid library card is not necessary)


e: Retrospective Periodical Index 1945-1952
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: subject
Accessibility: card catalogue (accessible in the Reference centre of the  NL only)
Types of documents: articles
Period: 1945-1952
Language of documents: Czech language


e: Czech periodical and newspaper articles  1953-1990 (Bibliographic catalogue of the Czechoslovakia)
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, subject
Accessibility: printed bibliographies (accessible in the  Reference centre of the  NL)
Types of documents: articles
Period: 1953-1990
Language of documents: Czech language


e: EZB
Electronic Journals Library offers comfortable and easy access to all remote scholarly electronic journals for which a given library has various subscription agreements or to those freely available on the internet.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: title, subject
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: periodicals
Period: without limit
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages


e: ZDB
Union catalogue of foreign periodicals held in German libraries.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: periodicals
Period: without limit
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages


e: PER - Czech and Slovak periodicals union database (Moravian Library)
Database contains information on periodicals published in the Czech Republic and the former Czechoslovakia. Without time limits, there are being added catalogues of major special libraries including the National Library and regional libraries, collection of district archives and museums, and various bibliographies of periodicals.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: periodicals
Period: without limit
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages


Articles in Czech journals and newspapers (full texts).
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: articles
Period: since the year 1997
Language of documents: Czech language
How to order: access to full texts is in the NL  without limit, free of charge registration for 1 day makes possible access to full text also outside the NL


e: Anopress
Full texts of articles and news from the dailies, weeklies and other periodicals including regional, texts of radio and television features since 1996.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject
Accessibility: online database (accessible in Reading Rooms of the NL only ) - Reference centre, Periodicals Reading Room, Library and Information Science Library, Slavonic Library
Types of documents: articles
Period: since the year 1996
Language of documents: Czech language
How to order: full texts are available in Anopress database


e: UIG - Union Information Gateway
Uniform Information Gate (UIG) allows uniform and easy access to variety of information resources including full text documents.
Searching in licensed databases and getting full texts from those databases is possible only in participating libraries. Free resources, such as catalogues, article databases are accessible without limitation.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: books, periodicals, articles
Period: without limit
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
How to order: SFX provides access to catalogues of individual libraries


e: KVK
KVK offers easy searching in union catalogues of European countries, in catalogues of European national libraries, in the Library of Congress catalogue, catalogues of Canadian and Australian national libraries, and in databases of various books in print.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: books, periodicals
Period: without limit
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages


e: Manuscriptorium : open catalogue of historical collections
Subjects: historical collections
Search according  to: author, title, call number, incipit, words anywhere, repository ...
Accessibility: online database (internet)
access to catalogue: without limit; access to digitised documents: only from licensed institutions  (incl. the NL)
Types of documents: some manuscripts of the NL
all incunabula of the NL
all Czech language early printed books of the NL (and some in other languages)
old maps of the NL
digital copies of selected manuscripts and printed books
Period: without limit
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages


e: Knihopis Digital Database
Database of Czech and Slovak language early printed books 1501-1800. Printed version - Knihopis českých a slovenských tisků od doby nejstarší do konce 18.století -   is in the process of digitisation and transfer into the database.
Subjects: historical collections
Search according  to: Knihopis number, author, title, Publisher/Typographer, Repository (place)
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: Czech language books published before 1800
Period: 1501-1800
Language of documents: Czech language


e: Bibliografie cizojazyčných bohemikálních tisků z let 1501-1800, I. Produkce tiskáren na dnešním území České republiky v 16. a 17. století. [CD-ROM]. Praha: 2003.
This is a scanned card bibliography of foreign language Bohemica 1501-1800.
Subjects: historical collections
Search according  to: scanned card bibliography, index of printers and pertinent literature is included
Accessibility: CD-ROM (access in the NL via UltraNetu)
Types of documents: foreign language Bohemica
Period: 1501-1800
Language of documents: foreign languages


e: ISSN Compact
Database of periodicals in ISSN system.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: title, subject
Accessibility: CD-ROM (accessible in the Reference centre of the  NL only)
Types of documents: periodicals
Period: without limit
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages


e: licensed article databases - only bibliographic records or bibliographic records  with abstracts or full texts
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, přeauthor, title, subject
Accessibility: online database (accessible in the Reference centre of the  NL only)
CD-ROM (accessible in the  Reference centre of the  NL only)
Types of documents: articles
Period: without limit
Language of documents: foreign languages


e: national bibliographies
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject
Accessibility: CD-ROM (accessible in the  Reference centre of the  NL only)
Types of documents: books
Period: 20th century
Language of documents: foreign languages


e: retrospective bibliographies
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject
Accessibility: CD-ROM (accessible in the  Reference centre of the  NL only)
Types of documents: books
Period: since the 15th century
Language of documents: foreign languages


e: Municipal Library of Prague - name catalogue
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title
Accessibility: card catalogue (accessible in the Municipal Library of Prague only), phone: +420 222 113 202
Types of documents: books (fiction breakdown)
Period: since the year 1891
breakdowns since the year 1945
Language of documents: Czech and Slovak language


e: Institute of Czech Literature, AS CR  - Library
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject
Accessibility: sources are available in Institute of Czech Literature, AS CR only, phone: +420 234 612 147, +420 234 612 147, e-mail:
Types of documents: books, periodicals, articles
Period: without limit
Language of documents: Czech language


Database contains records for continuations published in the Czech Republic and registered by Czech National ISSN database.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: title,  ISSN, publisher,  periodicity ...
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: periodicals
Period: without limit
Language of documents: Czech language


Internal catalogue of the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department - call number 62 A
Subjects: geography, history
Search according  to: geographic name
Accessibility: card catalogue (access in in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Reading Room only, contact person PhDr. Jan Sobotka)
Types of documents: maps a map atlases
Period: 1579-1880
Language of documents: German, Latin, French, Italian, English, Spanish, Dutch, Russin, Czech, Hungarian
How to order: personal order in the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Reading Room


e: is a database for databases. It provides an overview of resources put out by various institutions, presents information on consortia projects, news on and search help for a variety of resources.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: title of licensed database, name of  library with access to individual database
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: database (online, CD-ROM)
Period: without limit
Language of documents: foreign languages


e: STM Portal - STM Catalogue
STM Portal  provides access to resources in natural sciences, technology and medicine.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: title of  licensed database
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: database (online, CD-ROM)
Period: without limit
Language of documents: foreign languages


Elektronické informační zdroje na vysokých školách v ČR (EIZ VŠ)
Electronic information resources at institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic is a tool for retrieving information on availability of electronic resources at these institutions.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: title of  licensed database, name of institutions of higher education with access to individual database
Accessibility: online database (internet)
Types of documents: database (online, CD-ROM)
Period: without limit
Language of documents: foreign languages


Czech National Bibliography (CNB)
CNB has several parts: Czech Books,  Periodicals, Special Materials  (Music, Maps, plans and atlases, Compact discs, records and tape recordings, Electronic resources, Graphic Materials ), Articles, Authority, Dissertations
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: search possibilities depend on chosen part of CNB
Accessibility: online database (internet)
CD-ROM (access in the NL via UltraNetu)
Types of documents: all types of documents
Period: Czech Books - since the year 1901, continuously updated (books published in years 1801-1900)
Periodicals -since the year 1990
Special Materials - Graphic Materials  - since the year 1992
Special Materials - Music - since the year 1994
Special Materials - Maps, plans and atlases - since the year 1994
Special Materials - Compact discs, records and tape recordings - since the year 1992
Special Materials - Electronic resources -  since the year 1996
Articles - since the year 1991
Dissertations -  1964-1996
Language of documents: Czech language
Bibliografický katalog ČSSR. České hudebniny a gramofonové desky. 1965-1989. Praha : Panorama, 1965-1989. ISSN 0323-1569
List of music materials and records issued in Czechoslovakia between 1965 and 1989. There are indexes of composers, authors of lyrics, interpreters, etc.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: bibliography contains several indexes (composers, authors of lyrics, interpreters etc.)
Accessibility: printed bibliographies (accessible in the  Reference centre of the  NL)
Types of documents: music materials and records
Period: 1965-1989
Language of documents: Czech language
Bibliografický katalog ČSSR. České hudebniny. 1955-1964. Praha, 1956-1965.
Bibliography of music materials issued in Czechoslovakia between  1955-1964.
Subjects: all subjects
Accessibility: printed bibliographies (accessible in the  Reference centre of the  NL)
Types of documents: music materials
Period: 1955-1964
Language of documents: Czech language


Bibliografický katalog Československé republiky. Část B, Hudebniny. 1937-1946. Praha : Národní a Universitní knihovna, 1937/1938 - 1947.
Bibliografický katalog Československé republiky. Část C, Hudebniny. 1947-1950. Praha : Národní a Universitní knihovna, 1947 - 1951.
Bibliography of music materials issued in Czechoslovakia between  1937-1950.
Subjects: all subjects
Accessibility: printed bibliographies (accessible in the  Reference centre of the  NL)
Types of documents: music materials
Period: 1937-1950
Language of documents: Czech language
e: WorldCat
Union catalogue of libraries participating in OCLC WorldCat system. It contains almost 50 000 000 of records.
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: author, title, subject, year of publishing, ISBN/ISSN ...
Accessibility: online database (accessible in the Reference centre of the  NL only)
Types of documents: books, periodicals and other types of documents
Period: without limit
Language of documents: foreign languages
Kramerius is a part of the  Digital library. The Digital library contains valuable and endangered documents in a digital form from Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica program (namely manuscripts, old prints and prospectively other documents) and from Kramerius program (older newspapers and journals and other valuable documents printed on an acidic paper).
Subjects: all subjects
Search according  to: title
Accessibility: online database (internet)
access to bibliographic records - without limit
access to image document data exempt from Copyright Act protection - without limit
access to mage document data under the protection of Copyright Act  - only from PC located at the premises of the National Library CR
Types of documents: periodicals (older newspapers and journals and other valuable documents printed on an acidic paper)
Language of documents: Czech language, foreign languages
Mar 02, 2023
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